Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the H2018 SYSA Fall Soccer tournament for the age group.
Egypt 8 - Submitted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A3 Mt Baker - Lakewood Soccer Club
MBL Lightning Bolts
104172091   Francisco Flores-Honores
 A4 Woodland Soccer Club
WD Thunder Dragons
104178074   Gregory Malley
 A5 Hillwood Youth Soccer Club
HW Midnight Dragons
104167421   Craig Pape
 A6 Ballard Youth Soccer Club
Bal Bulldogs
104164013   John Davison
 A7 Capitol Hill Youth Soccer Club
CH Team Tacos
104166403   Maria Mobley
 A8 Magnolia Soccer Club
Mag Infiltrators
104170312   Buck MacMillan
 A9 Woodland Soccer Club
WD Blue Falcons
104178135   James Redmond
 A10 Shorelake Soccer Club
SL Rockets
Short   Brandon Schmitz